Monday, May 23, 2011

biceps schmiceps

This month marks one-year anniversary of me joining my gym. That deserves a post, no?

Me sticking long enough with anything to celebrate a one-year anniversary deserves a post. (I don't blame me, it's the zodiac that says I'm a fickle Geminian)

Coming back to the topic, I have been hitting the gym regularly, 4-5 times a week, for one year now. whoa! Leave out the two months I was yellow with jaundice and the small vacations I took here and there.

Still, I never thought I could manage to follow the schedule for more than a couple of weeks. Infact, my realization of my short attention span to almost everything made me take only a 3-month membership. And, mind you, even now my renewal is for 3-months only. Because I trust myself to get bored and give it up. I spend almost twice the money but what the heck, I'm known to take up hobbies (with all my heart and effort) and give up on them in weeks or even days.

Too bad, I don't have any before and after pics :P. In fact, I do not have any pics of the gym. Going to the gym with my camera and clicking pics would attract a lot of attention and I do not want that. I like to think that I have a serious work-outer image in the gym and I'd like to keep that image (even if only I think that way!).

Then there is my trainer, Chethan, who wants me to become a body builder and develop some serious abs and lift some serious weights. He has the sweetest smile and keeps me in on any offers going on at the gym. Both these qualities help.

Going to the gym is one hour well spent. Take my word. I have, at times, so very reluctantly dragged myself to the gym, only to feel so damn great at the end of that one hour. Getting myself to the gym is sometimes not my favorite part, but after getting there, it is definitely the highlight of my day.

Do you notice the incredible number of monkeys on the middle tree? It looks like a monkey tree.

All the pics are from my trip last year to kabini. One of the most beautiful places I've seen. It's one anniversary of the trip as well. Other than that, there is no link between the pics and the post :P.

I'll end with the caveat that I'm quite confident that there won't be any 2-year gym anniversary. But, what the hell, atleast I completed one year.


Ram said...

Workaholic people like me prefer to sign 1yr contract just to get away from desk or loose the money. Helps me work out atleast once in a week or two :-)

Atul said...

... as they say "pain is temporary, glory is forever" ... i am sure that the year spent on the treadmill will add years to your gorgeous smile!! and more, click beautifully and blog often!!

Sho said...

You are fighting the Gemini in you..which can only be a good thing :p And why the caveat? Trying not to jinx it?

Nam said...

@atul: thanks, i'm trying to.
@sho: you commented..on my blog??? finally coming out of the shadows? :P The caveat is not to embarass myself in case i stop going to the gym, say, today or something. You know after so much bragging and stuff.

Sudeep said...

Nice Photography Skills,
Looks like you have used a DSLR.

Sudeep said...

Nice Photography Skills,
Looks like you have used a DSLR.