Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God gulty strikes again!

God gulty called today morning and as always was going on and on about he is the don of warangal and the sexiest and most awesomest man on planet earth. Yeah, he does that in the most non-creepy sort of way.

I, then, very humbly interrupt him to share some of my mortal concerns such as: I am very tensed about my interview results which should be out in a couple of days. The pravachan that I get in response can only be expected from him: "What happens is not important. What is important is that you are happy. Even if you get into the MBA, what the hell are you going to do? Are you going to become the President of India?"

I was a little offended that he didnt think I was going to become the President of India but that's not the point. The point is that instead of saying "Dont worry, you'll get in." (which obviously does NOT make me feel better), he said this! He made all the MBA shit seem so insignificant. And made me realize that I'll be fine in any case.

And it is true. I have a thing for being happy. I can't stay in the dumps for long. Sad people don't look good.


HumTum said...

These words are good to console someone.They remind me of the scene: When we are sitting in a train which is not moving and some nearby train moves in opposite direction, we get an instant feeling that we are moving and it gives us some happiness for a short duration of time. So what I want to say that work hard, be prepared, believe in yourself and strike at the right time.

Ram said...

All the best for your interview results.
Thinking in terms of "It'll will be good if we make it now, but it's not the END of the world if we didn't make it now. We did our best and the whatever the result is for our own good, if not now but may be in the future" gives lot of relief.