Thursday, October 27, 2011

Letting go of hurt

There is this blog that I read regularly. The girl is awesome. She has three adopted kids, lives on a farm (till recently) and loves corn fields and lonely trees in the middle of farms.

I read this on her blog.

Years and years (and years) ago now, kids were mean to me…and I allowed it
to shape every little thing about myself.
I’ll show them, I seem to say…as if
they’re still paying attention. As if they’re still sitting beside me in the
sixth grade.How horrible to find out everyone else has moved on.
Crying out for justice in a world that isn’t listening while at the same
time, turning a blind eye to the world that’s right in front of me seems a bit
counterproductive, no?"

Go read the entire post.

I could not NOT share. I have been there done that - carried hurts with me as if doing so was serving a purpose or my cursing the other person would hurt them back. I have become a little wiser to realize that everytime we recall a hurt, we are hurting ourselves again while the other person, for all we know, maybe partying in Spain. Just saying!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Green thumb baby!!

I grew this and ate this.

I am quite a farmer that way! I love gardening and that's what I do on lazy saturdays and sundays. Here in bangalore, it's not really work to grow anything. And I mean ANYTHING. The weather is great, the soil is perfect, the sun's perfect and the plants are really really cheap. I used to have plants in mumbai as well but I shelled out a lot more and worked a lot harder to maintain them. So, here it's all easy peasy lemon squeazy for me :)

This is not a tomato plant. Am just saying, just in case!

But I'd never grown vegetables before. This was my first attempt. I think I did pretty well. Organic pesticide free tomatoes. I also grew chillies or atleast I thought I was growing chillies till the plant flowered and I realized that that was also a tomato plant! What? I've done some mix-up definitely but I'm not complaining. I have lot of baby tomatoes waiting to turn big and red :)