The coffee at the airport? It's just normal cafe coffee day coffee but do i love it. Again because it's coffee loaded with all the goodness of all the emotions of picking up friends and seeing them after weeks or maybe months and just taking every bit of goodness in over a cup of coffee. The coffee allows the happiness to sink in and the feelings to settle. You know, get over the ecstasy of seeing people you love after a long time and get your adrenaline back to normal levels. You know the feeling, right? The coffee allows me to drink in the love, the warmth, the moment. Trust me, at any other given moment, I do not like CCD coffee. I'm a south indian that way. Filter coffee for me is what it is.

Do I sound weird? Maybe. But then I'm alone in this city and all my family and friends (barring a couple), basically people that I love are far away. So, they have to come through this airport. Again if I've to go see them, I've to go through the airport. The airport is my gateway to my loved ones. Does it make sense now? In any interaction with anyone that I love, the airport is instrumental. Hence, the almost mad love for the place.
But it would be unfair to say that that is the only reason for the love. The place is really awesome on its own. The lawns, the gardens, the benches, the coffee shops, the eateries, the people, the sheer energy and emotions. It's fun to watch all the people there and guess their stories. You know, like lovers seeing each other off who just can't let each other go, or spouses picking up their better halves -some only for formality, others genuinely happy, parents waving final good-byes to a child who mostly is going abroad to study, families giving assurances to a jittery young lady who is presumably flying abroad for the first time to be with her husband, uncles who cannot stop giving final instructions to their families, so on and so forth. It's full on entertainment - the breadth and depth of these emotions. At which other place do you see such uninhibited display of so many emotions.
Just like at the library, I can spend hours at this airport and stay entertained. But unlike the library, I go here way too many times. Not that I'm complaining. I can go more often and I would go more often if I had my way. Also, unlike the library, they have coffee. :)
I really like this post....airports not so much. Because I hate byebyes. But I will go to Bangalore airport any day, as long as I am driving. The drive deserved mention atleast ok.
And are you going to explain the boots in the next post??? :p
danke :) even i like this one!
the drive is not as good anymore except for the last bit..they've dug up most of the stretch.
and the boots thing? the pic is at the airport. So there.
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