To rewind, I actually thought of doing something good. I gave my phone to my dad and took his phone - that's an iphone for the cheapest nokia (just to give a perspective). Turns out, the universe conspires against my good deed. Damn it, nobody can see me upping my heaven score. I try to do some data delete because otherwise my dad would get confused with my contacts and his contacts. And, lo and behold, the iphone refuses to turn back on.
So, that was the end of my good deed.
I gave dad's phone back to him and brought the non-functional iphone back.
Well the most fun part was when I had to coordinate with nish who was supposed to pick me up from the airport and I made a call from a public booth. Well, I would guess that I would be the only soul but turns out there was a queue. I am ready to bet that none of them landed at the domestic terminal.
Now the good part started. I didn't trust my own self with the phone and I gave it to this guy from my workplace. And I waited and waited and waited. Then I could not wait any longer. I had to take charge of the situation.
I spent one day at work searching for and watching youtube videos on how to upgrade, restore, jailbreak and unlock an iphone. And I spent good part of one night downloading all the required softwares including a new version of itunes. And guess what? It didn't take me more than an hour to get my phone working.

I did this!
I didn't stop there. I learnt how to create your own ringtones for the iphone (yeah that is a task in itself though not very intimidating) AND I also got my wallpaper in the background. (Something I wanted since I first saw it, but was too scared to mess with the phone).
Long story short, I am thinking no end of myself and I am proud. Though I should have learnt to do all this some 2 years back. But, whatever!
Congratulations! I also jailbreak my iphone4 recently to use some 3rd party apps!
Don't know if I can upgrade to new iOS version in the future without loosing all customizations :-(
... i guess the universe conspired for u to learn how to fix an iPhone so that once u trade it with ur father's phone(again!), u can always answer all his queries about it as well... so... :-)
@ram: no, i guess once you upgrade you will have to jailbreak again and load all your apps again. I only guess.
@atul: he won't have any questions other than how to make a call and how to lock the damn thing!
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