Good waiting is the waiting when I'm waiting for something pleasant to happen and it's almost certain. For eg., a friend coming to town, me going home, me going on a trip, and so on. You get the drift. This wait is spent entirely in excitement and planning.

Flowers on my new creeper :)
Uncertainty on the other hand can be a killer. And that is when we have the torturous wait. The outcome is uncertain and probably big things are at stake. You cannot plan because you don't know what's going to happen. You cannot get excited again because the outcome may not be something to be excited about. Like when you wait for your results on an exam that didn't go very well or a job interview and so on.
waiting is something I don't mind. I love the 'good' wait because it holds a promise. Otherwise also I would rate myself very highly in the patience department. I don't get flustered in traffic jams or while waiting for my doctor or in the queue at the airport or when people jump in front of me at trial rooms or to get out of an airplane.
Uncertainty, on the other hand, I cannot handle. It just gets the better of me. I'm a sucker for knowing. Not knowing makes me, I don't know, cocooned? It makes me retract into a shell. I don't want to discuss all the possibilities and permutations and combinations that are doing rounds in my head with other people .It can get quite boring and repetitive, you know. And I can't seem to think of anything else to converse about. I just can't focus on any other thing. So, cocooned it is.
To move away from downers like uncertainty and brighter (literally) topics, there was one another thing I did last weekend.

These go on my kitchen counter. They are hidden behind the fruits.

The belvedere bottle is not mine. I mean now it is. But it was given to me empty by a friend who knows about my love affair with plants in pretty bottles. Like the dark one you see on the right - a bottle of porto tawny from Portugal.
1 comment:
the pics are lovely and fresh.:)
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