Excerpts from an article in TOI:
The Committee on Petitions headed by the BJP’s Venkaiah Naidu is a cross-party group up of nine Rajya Sabha members. The Committee has said there should be no sex education in schools because it promotes promiscuity and India’s “social and cultural ethos are such that sex education has absolutely no place in it.”
Child marriage means huge numbers of adolescent Indians indulge in “legal” sexual activity. Mehra says politicians have long promoted regressive policy on the pretext of culture.
If you teach someone the use of AK-47, he can very well kill hundreds of people in the streets. Still, you will not send your soldier on the war front without teaching them the use of AK-47, will you?? (unless you really hate the soldier).
Who will explain to these politicians that sex education DOES NOT TEACH YOU TO HAVE SEX AND BE PROMISCUOUS.
The same culture which forces girls to become pregnant at the age of 14, denies them information about what they are getting into. What sort of a culture is this? Messed up and regressive I would say.The reason why i stopped listening to the culture bullshit some years ago.
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3 months ago
bold one ....
I don't have any objection to what ever you have written except your last statement. I don't know who said you that our culture support child marriage. Those are the people who did not follow our culture. There fore i don't know what you meant by saying you stopped listening to this bullshit culture. I am not sure which culture you are talking about.
But anyways coming back to you blog. I absolutely agree that sex education is important, but how practical is it to implement?
I don't know....
It all sound good sitting in place like Bnagalore or Mumbai to say that sex education has to be made as part of syllabus. where the children are well educated about it already.
Lets move out of these cities. may be to the rest of India. Where the people still live in more conservative society. Its not that they don't want sex education, but the word "sex" itself as such repercussion that they don't agree to it. Every one knows its important yet they can not come up and say the same.
A kind of shyness and uncomfortableness is embedded in the students mind as well. It would be because they might have grown up in more conservative society. At the end, I am not sure who is right or wrong, parents who brought up us in conservative society or students who grew with lesser maturity or teachers who had no choice or the politicians who responds to majority population.
On lighter note still it may not be hard to implement unless you name the "sex education" with some nicer name.
@ Cheekya: even today, if you want to see child marriages then go to north.
@cheekya: "but the word "sex" itself as such repercussion that they don't agree to it." that is exactly why we need sex education so that they do not cringe everytime they here this word. They should be able to express their doubts and seek advice. And sex education really involves teaching young adults the biology behind sex, their own bodies, so that they can make more informed choices.
@cheekya: And btw, forgot to mention, child marriage is definitely part of indian culture. Something that is followed as a tradition is culture, right?
@Nam and @HumTum : I agree that child marriage do exist still. But what I am trying to say is that, why should we put those as a part of our culture. At the end culture starts from us and end on us. Lets take all positives and put them as our culture. May be, I am being optimistic, but still I like being so.
@Nam : I agree that's why we need sex education, but we can not start with this word before you define it right? At the end its not important what we call it, whats important is people are well educated about it. Why can't that be part of Biology it self? That's what i meant when I said lets call "Sex education" with some nicer name. As there's a saying "Remove thorn with thorn".
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