this post is on request...from suzie..he asked me to write on two topics..i chose this one..its something which has been iterated over and over and beaten to death in many movies..and by me also..and it is "a girl and guy can never be day sooner or later (maybe from the first instant)..physical attraction takes over!!"
now, the author, at this point would like to,very categorically, state that these are the author's views and she is not trying to comment on or judge anything..she is not here to tell the general rules of the world..but only to tell how things are on her side of the fence. if the content plays with your thought process or contradicts it in any manner, she is ready to discuss it with you.
let's start:
i have a little different take on this..i will not take the credit for what im going to say...its not my original thought..this was said to me by a person who taught me a great many things in today's date i disagree with most of trying to unlearn them :) but this i still cant disagree with, because its been only reinforced with time and experience.
he said and i quote, "if a girl and a boy are friends, either the boy is attracted to the girl, or the girl is attracted to the boy, or one of them is enjoying some leverage out of this relation". i would just add that most times, its a combination of more than one of the above mentioned reasons.
as it is said in 'When Harry Met Sally' and as even suzie said...why would a boy even go and speak, in the first place, to a girl whom he finds unattractive. and vice versa for girls. thats not all, absy even went to the extent of saying that he wont 'waste' time (read going for movies, lunches, dinners et al) with a girl if she doesnt let him kiss her..whats the point? is his question.
and then physical attraction is like those creepy crawly creeeps into a relation at any unexpected moment from, pure platonic friendships suddenly find themselves in this quagmire of physical vibes and tension(for want of a better word). and its not as if this feeling suddenly appears, its been there forever (we are programmed that way!)...its just that it suddenly overpowers you and you want to be physically intimate with this person who till yesterday was your buddy of sorts. cant say, if thats a good day or a bad day for that friendship. so, even if you didnt start with any such intention, doesnt mean you'll never encounter such a situation. and it happens. always.
having said all this, i would like to add that, as a caveat to the above rule,its also true and ive learnt that, its not like these friendships are not strong or dont last..they last and they can turn out to be quite beautiful and cherished relations. depends on the two persons involved. how strong can lust be? only as strong as you allow it to be. its ephemeral anyways..
P.S. the other topic which i had a choice to write on was " 'goli dene ke 100 tarikey', by moi". im not that bad...give me some credit now aleast!!
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3 months ago
nice work .... treat assured .... i know suzie very well .....he doesn't hate u, i hope u also know this .... but whenever he gets frustated and needs a friend or whenever he drinks a lot, you are the first person to be hated :( ... its true, if u have checked his gmail status msg last week ....
I rather love the caveat than the whole article.. 2 ppl can be good friends without the oomph factor. the physical thing can happen between two strangers as to say a guy and girl can't be friends forever is quite unconvincing to me....
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