"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." , Fransisco d'Anconia says this to Dagny in Atlas Shrugged.
Dagny is perplexed by the paradox Fransisco has become. she cant comrehend why a man of his brilliance and standing would squander himself away as a playboy. he tells her that if she doesnt think it possible then its really not possible. he cant be both these persons at once. there must be something that Dagny is yet to see, one of her premises is wrong.
this is the novel i swear by and this line is my favourite from the book, after ofcourse, the one that appears in the header. if you take time to think about it, you'll see that its true. atleast i vouch for its hunderd percent veracity.
and that is the reason why i stand against myself today.
i read this line and i could see that there is such a big, blatant contradiction in my life. in today's date, this contradiction is what is guiding my life. its a very major part of my life. my life revolves around it. i tweak whatever can be tweaked in a person and her life to suit this contradiction.
do i want to do it? yes. there is no other reason for doing it.
what kills me is this realization, the realization that it is a contradiction. the realization that the one thing that im running my life on, does not exist. what eats me from within is when i know everything, why do i still feign ignorance? when i can see the truth, why am i blind? why being theoritically sound doesnt translate to practical success?
theoritically its all in big bold letters...there is a contradiction and there are two premises..since contradictions cant exist one of them is wrong..has to be...there's no way it can be right ..i even know which one is that. still i am assuming that my premise is right. im assuming what is, is not and what is not, is. i look truth in the eye and turn away before it sinks into me. i try to convince truth everyday that truth is wrong and im right. i am living a contradiction.
and i wait for the day when reality and sanity give me a rude shock and i wake up from my sleep of convenience...when i gather the strength to see how much ever you think you are dependent on a thing for survival, you really cant depend on something that exists only in your convenient thoughts and has no real existence. i wait for the day when this haze makes way for a life that makes much more sense for myself.
Dagny is perplexed by the paradox Fransisco has become. she cant comrehend why a man of his brilliance and standing would squander himself away as a playboy. he tells her that if she doesnt think it possible then its really not possible. he cant be both these persons at once. there must be something that Dagny is yet to see, one of her premises is wrong.
this is the novel i swear by and this line is my favourite from the book, after ofcourse, the one that appears in the header. if you take time to think about it, you'll see that its true. atleast i vouch for its hunderd percent veracity.
and that is the reason why i stand against myself today.
i read this line and i could see that there is such a big, blatant contradiction in my life. in today's date, this contradiction is what is guiding my life. its a very major part of my life. my life revolves around it. i tweak whatever can be tweaked in a person and her life to suit this contradiction.
do i want to do it? yes. there is no other reason for doing it.
what kills me is this realization, the realization that it is a contradiction. the realization that the one thing that im running my life on, does not exist. what eats me from within is when i know everything, why do i still feign ignorance? when i can see the truth, why am i blind? why being theoritically sound doesnt translate to practical success?
theoritically its all in big bold letters...there is a contradiction and there are two premises..since contradictions cant exist one of them is wrong..has to be...there's no way it can be right ..i even know which one is that. still i am assuming that my premise is right. im assuming what is, is not and what is not, is. i look truth in the eye and turn away before it sinks into me. i try to convince truth everyday that truth is wrong and im right. i am living a contradiction.
and i wait for the day when reality and sanity give me a rude shock and i wake up from my sleep of convenience...when i gather the strength to see how much ever you think you are dependent on a thing for survival, you really cant depend on something that exists only in your convenient thoughts and has no real existence. i wait for the day when this haze makes way for a life that makes much more sense for myself.
this is called "2nd or virtual life" ..... will give u more fundae on this topic ....
Contradictions could also arise out of different frames of references...in humans...there will be mostly 2 frames (males may have 3rd frame of reference)...thats the logical frame of reference n the emotional frame of reference...in layman's terms...wht the head says n wht the heart says...in which case this actually isnt a contradiction...cos in their own frame of reference...they r both right...
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