Wednesday, August 26, 2009


TOI reports that according to a Supreme Court order kicking your daughter-in-law does not amount to cruelty. A divorce threat is fine too. huh?

Now, I am sure, if a dog had gone to PETA and complained that it has been kicked, PETA would have taken up its cause and kicked the ass of whoever kicked the dog.

Just wondering if we can approach PETA? After all, I was taught that human beings are social animals.

Somewhere else came across this quote by Zach Braff on abortion.
"Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of killing unwanted babies, it's just that the idea of letting women make a decision doesn't sit well with me."
He is good looking and funny. He can say that.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

history is being written

No No..N Korea is not nuking its beloved friends..I have forgotten my cell phone at home. And I would like to commemorate this historic day with a post.

Since time immemorial, I have been a phone addict. And since I moved to bangalore, the simple device has symbolized great many things in my life, such as - my single point contact to all my fav people, not-so-fav people, my ipod, my watch (I completely stopped wearing watches long time back. As of today, I dont own a single watch!),my trusted alarm, my camera, my repository, my secretary, my batmobile. OK so I exaggerate a bit, but then you get the point.

And today, I am going to go the whole day without it. Its only been an hour and I have already started getting withdrawal symptoms.

While on the topic of cell phones, I have recently got myself an iphone. And I would like to point you to my friend's post on apple products. Little sexist, fun nonetheless.