i was really puzzled on seeing some n missed calls on my cell...(yes, when in office i keep that angel on silent mode and leave it on my desk if im going somewhere)..let me not digress coz that phone can be the main lead of a post of its own...it is the source of joy, surprise, anger, disappointment and other 1430 emotions for mortals like me who have most of their friends and family in other cities...
so, coming back...(after saying let me not digress and still digressing)..i had these missed calls on my cell...along with messages like...'r u alrite?', 'r u alive?'...
and i was like.."yeah, wishful thinking! im not dying before killing all of you."
and then i saw this mail and it all fitted to make a complete picture...ohhh so it was not like everyone had a premonition of something adverse happening to me at exactly the same time...(though that would have made for a more interesting blog post)...
and it was really nice to see all these people trying to call me, get in touch with me...after a point i was like..today we'll know who really cares and who doesnt. let's see who doesnt call me today?
So, dennis messaged..i guess he was the first one..bugs called, salz called, Mr cao called...(so that covers my family)..., abs called, jat called..(he covers rest of my family)..reggie called..even sun sent a message...that pretty much covers everyone around me...
only person whose call i was waiting for and who very non-chalantly crushed all my hopes was su...i guess she assumed that the lone woman who had been killed in those blasts was not me..probably going by probability she was right (she's an engineer after all)...but that call would have done lots to kill the ache in my heart...:(